The Sun Runner Celebrates the Start of our 21st Year with a New Look!

Our new year began with a new look for the magazine, and it's been a hit! As we continue to expand from covering the California deserts to all of the Southwest, we needed a new look to go with our new geography. And what better time to launch it than the first issue of our 21st year in print?
#sunrunner #california #californiadeserts #denniscasebier #desert #desertart #desertarts #desertculture #desertmedia #desertroadtrips #deserttravel #elmerlong #exoticworld #gatewaycommunities #grapesofwrath #helendale #highdesert #hidesert #highway62 #jimconkle #joshuatree #jtnp #kingman #ludlow #mojave #nationalpark #needles #newberrysprings #oatman #realdesert #redesign #roadtrip #route62 #route66 #sanbernardinocounty #southwest #southweststories #stevebrown #sunrunner #tourism #travel #twentyinepalms #twentyninepalms #twentyninepalmshighway #twentyninepalmshwy #victorville #nicholasclapp #section14 #aguacaliente #rogernaylor #arizona #barstow #chambless #amboy #america #29palms #29palmshighway #20years #2015 #29 #29palmshwy #californiawelcomecenter #daggett #danby #desertjournalism #desertissues #deserttourism