Thank you, and a fond farewell
The Sun Runner magazine began publishing on New Year's Day, 1995 in Twentynine Palms. Vickie Waite was the founding editor and publisher....

BLM Opens Millions of Acres of California Deserts to Mining, Energy Development
If there was any doubt about public lands policy under President Trump's administration being based around natural resource extraction...

Palm Springs welcomes the incredible Madras Maiden
"Why, it's a flying fortress!" - Seattle Times reporter Richard Williams (upon first seeing a B-17) The excitement among the small crowd...

The Passing of a Legend: Marta Becket has died
She may have been, among so many other things, prophetic. In a smaller mural inside the Amargosa Opera House Hotel, Marta Becket painted...

Support Season 3 of Southwest Stories on KVCR PBS TV: Route 66 Through the Mojave Desert
We've launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the production of Season 3: Route 66 Through the Mojave Desert. We've filmed much of the...

Please Don't Join us for The Sun Runner's 22nd birthday celebration on Saturday, January 7,
We regret to announce that we are canceling this event due to a rather serious issue with the restaurant owner. Apparently, according to...

Sell The Sun Runner at your shop and keep all the cash!
As part of The Sun Runner, The Journal of the Real Desert's expansion, we're now UPC barcoding our issues and pricing them at a very...

Make Money by Referring Advertisers to The Sun Runner & Joshua Tree Tortoise Telegraph
Do you live anywhere in the Southwest? Do you know businesses that might want to reach our readers across the desert, including the 2+...

Seeking Lodging, Dining, and Venue Info for 3rd edition of Joshua Tree Visitor Guide
The Sun Runner and The Joshua Tree Tortoise Telegraph are seeking updated information for lodging, dining, and meeting/event venues for...

Endorsement: For California and the Southwest, it has to be Bernie Sanders
The Sun Runner usually does not endorse candidates for any political office. There are issues the magazine addresses which are political...