Government shutdown impacts parks
The scene that greeted visitors during the 2013 government shutdown over a Republican attempt to repeal Obamacare resulted in park...

Support Season 3 of Southwest Stories on KVCR PBS TV: Route 66 Through the Mojave Desert
We've launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the production of Season 3: Route 66 Through the Mojave Desert. We've filmed much of the...

Third Edition of Popular Joshua Tree Gateway Communities Visitor Guide Coming This Summer!
The popular Sun Runner Guide to the Joshua Tree Gateway Communities visitor guide is being updated and prepared for publication later...

Joshua Tree National Park hits 2 Million Visitors
According to Joshua Tree National Park, a couple visiting the park from Inglewood, California and their friends visiting from Denmark...

Mountain Getaways Are Our Focus for August
This August, The Sun Runner is publishing our Mountain Getaway Issue, followed by our Ridgecrest Issue. We're sharing all kinds of ideas...

UFOs sighted in Baker
Baker, California. Just off the I-15, home to the Mad Greek, the "world's tallest" thermometer, and, uh, well, a place to take a brief...

National Park fees to rise
Joshua Tree National Park has announced effective June 1, park fees will increase. The National Park Service held public meetings on...

New Joshua Tree Gateway Communities Visitors Guide hits the streets
We just had to leave the cover image of The Sun Runner Guide to the Joshua Tree Gateway Communities as large as possible. With gorgeous...

Sun Runner and Southwest Stories hit the country's largest travel show
The Sun Runner and Southwest Stories with Steve Brown, made their annual appearance at the country's largest travel show, the LA Travel &...

Southwest Stories set to start new season on PBS!
Southwest Stories with Steve Brown, the PBS television series featuring Sun Runner publisher, Steve Brown, is set to launch its second...