Thank you, and a fond farewell
The Sun Runner magazine began publishing on New Year's Day, 1995 in Twentynine Palms. Vickie Waite was the founding editor and publisher....

Support Season 3 of Southwest Stories on KVCR PBS TV: Route 66 Through the Mojave Desert
We've launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the production of Season 3: Route 66 Through the Mojave Desert. We've filmed much of the...

Sell The Sun Runner at your shop and keep all the cash!
As part of The Sun Runner, The Journal of the Real Desert's expansion, we're now UPC barcoding our issues and pricing them at a very...

Mountain Getaways Are Our Focus for August
This August, The Sun Runner is publishing our Mountain Getaway Issue, followed by our Ridgecrest Issue. We're sharing all kinds of ideas...

Southwest Stories set to start new season on PBS!
Southwest Stories with Steve Brown, the PBS television series featuring Sun Runner publisher, Steve Brown, is set to launch its second...

The Sun Runner Celebrates the Start of our 21st Year with a New Look!
Our new year began with a new look for the magazine, and it's been a hit! As we continue to expand from covering the California deserts...

Sun Runner Celebrates 20 Years of Covering Desert Culture, Issues, Travel & Life
January 1, 2015 may be New Year's Day, but it also commemorates the first 20 years of publishing for The Sun Runner, The Journal of the...

Tales from The Real Desert: The Crickets of La Casa del Zorro...
By Steve Brown It was on Labor Day weekend, 2013, when we were on a shoot in Borrego Springs for The Real Desert, our new PBS TV series,...