Nearly tripling national park entry fees not in the parks' or the public's best interest
John Samuelson was one of our more colorful homesteaders in the Mojave. He was a Swedish immigrant who prospected in the Joshua Tree...

Missing hikers an apparent murder suicide
It's difficult to imagine the tragedy of two young hikers missing in Joshua Tree National Park for months, with their bodies just found,...

Joshua Tree National Park makes it easier for us to report graffiti and vandalism
Historical sites such as this one on the Wall Street Mill trail, have been extensively vandalized in recent months. With increased annual...

New Joshua Tree Gateway Communities Visitors Guide hits the streets
We just had to leave the cover image of The Sun Runner Guide to the Joshua Tree Gateway Communities as large as possible. With gorgeous...

The Sun Runner Celebrates the Start of our 21st Year with a New Look!
Our new year began with a new look for the magazine, and it's been a hit! As we continue to expand from covering the California deserts...

New Joshua Tree Guide On It's Way
The Sun Runner's Real Route 62 Guide to the Joshua Tree Gateway Communities has been so popular with visitors at travel shows and local...