Government shutdown impacts parks
The scene that greeted visitors during the 2013 government shutdown over a Republican attempt to repeal Obamacare resulted in park...

National Park fees may not increase
Dramatic seasonal park entrance fee increases proposed by the National Park Service in 2017 may not take effect after all. Though the...

Nearly tripling national park entry fees not in the parks' or the public's best interest
John Samuelson was one of our more colorful homesteaders in the Mojave. He was a Swedish immigrant who prospected in the Joshua Tree...

Take a stand for our National Monuments
President Trump's Executive Order 13792, issued on April 26, orders a review of larger national monuments created by executive order...

A Line in the Sand: Hands Off Our National Monuments
A view of the Whitewater River running through the Sand to Snow National Monument, one of the national monuments on President Trump's...

Joshua Tree National Park makes it easier for us to report graffiti and vandalism
Historical sites such as this one on the Wall Street Mill trail, have been extensively vandalized in recent months. With increased annual...

Heat Claims Life of Hiker in Joshua Tree National Park
A 56 year-old woman died while hiking in the Cottonwood area of Joshua Tree National Park this past Saturday, August 13, where...

Gotta comment by tomorrow. BLM wants to double access for OHVs, ORVs, ATVs all across the Mojave. They call the plan Jade Helm, uh, no,...

Public Lands for Sale
“resolution for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating...