Take a stand for our National Monuments

President Trump's Executive Order 13792, issued on April 26, orders a review of larger national monuments created by executive order since 1996, including numerous national monuments across the Southwest, with the possibility of reversing their status, though it's quite unclear the president has that authority, which no doubt will be challenged in the courts. You can read more about our perspective about this poorly thought out attempt to pander to industry interests in oil, gas, fracking, and coal mining while ignoring the interests of Native American nations, tourism and recreation industries, in our commentary, A Line in the Sand: Hands Off Our National Monuments.
The time to take action to prevent this boondoggle from going forward and irreversibly damaging and destroying our public lands, so we've put several links below for taking action. We strongly recommend calling and writing your Congressional representatives and senators, as well as your governor's office and state representatives as well, to let them know your feelings on the possibility of losing your national monuments.
We can't stress the seriousness of opposing this special interest land grab and public lands giveaway. We understand national monument designation is not always a perfect solution, but it's far better than the alternative under this administration. Should some of the national monuments included in this executive order have their status reversed, this opens the door to potential reversal of status for other public lands - national parks, national wildlife refuges (which already deal with oil extraction and other issues at some locations), national preserves, and designated wilderness. In short, we, the American people, stand to lose what truly are our national treasures. We can't let that happen. There truly is a line in the sand. The Trump administration must not cross.
Thank you for your support for our public lands. Please go to the following sites to provide your public comments.