More proposed funding for border wall endangers Lower Rio Grande Valley
The current border near Otay Mesa, California, and Tijuana, Mexico. Budget negotiations continue in Washington, D.C., with Republican...

World's rarest porpoise gets no help from UNESCO
The world's rarest and most endangered porpoise, the vaquita, have been pushed closer to extinction by the UNESCO World Heritage...

Adios Vaquita?
Down in the Gulf of California, the smallest member of the porpoise family, the beautiful vaquita ("little cow"), is balanced on the edge...

Sell The Sun Runner at your shop and keep all the cash!
As part of The Sun Runner, The Journal of the Real Desert's expansion, we're now UPC barcoding our issues and pricing them at a very...

Border Crossing: Los Algodones
It all began with a friend of ours needing some fairly major—and expensive—dental work. With no dental insurance, and being self...