Government shutdown impacts parks
The scene that greeted visitors during the 2013 government shutdown over a Republican attempt to repeal Obamacare resulted in park...

Amboy Crater claims more lives: One dead, one missing
A cross-country road trip has gone terribly wrong for a couple from Virginia. Susan, 65, and William Schmeirer, 64, left their home in...

Department of the Interior rolls back environmental protections for Mojave water grab but the battle
According to the Mojave Desert Land Trust, the Department of the Interior has issued a decision that weakens environmental protections...

Tragedy in Amboy
Amboy Crater, Mojave Trails National Monument: At approximately 1:36 p.m., Saturday, August 12, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Dispatch...

Rep. Paul Cook Sells Out Constituents - and Nation - Instructs DOI to eliminate and reduce national
Once again, Rep. Paul Cook has blatantly ignored not only the best long term interests of his constituents in California's 8th District,...

A Line in the Sand: Hands Off Our National Monuments
A view of the Whitewater River running through the Sand to Snow National Monument, one of the national monuments on President Trump's...