Make sure your voice is heard on DRECP, industrial scale power projects, and other desert issues
Desert residents have a limited time to ensure their concerns are heard by the federal government on an executive order signed by...

BLM Opens Millions of Acres of California Deserts to Mining, Energy Development
If there was any doubt about public lands policy under President Trump's administration being based around natural resource extraction...

Gotta comment by tomorrow. BLM wants to double access for OHVs, ORVs, ATVs all across the Mojave. They call the plan Jade Helm, uh, no,...

The Two Towers
By Chris Clarke If all goes according to plan, at some point in the next four or five years a pair of gargantuan towers will rise from...

Federal Shutdown's First Casualties Are Counted While Rep. Cook Makes Excuses
#stevebrown #nationalpark #closures #tourism #blm #congress #2013 #houseofrepresentatives #base #travel #layoffs #shutdown #furlough...