The Nutcracker Rings in the holidays at the Amargosa Opera House

It's easy to imagine Marta Becket, the founder and creator of the desert's legendary Amargosa Opera House, being pleased to see Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker, coming to mark the holidays in Death Valley Junction.

The ballet, which premiered at the Marlinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg in December, 1892, has become a holiday season standard for Americans, and this December, Las Vegas' Pink Tutu Ballet Company brings the classic to life at the opera house.

The images of the 1892 debut of The Nutcracker almost look like a Marta Becket painting!
The Pink Tutu Ballet Company has its studios in downtown Las Vegas' thriving arts district, and performs at numerous area venues, as well as at corporate parties, fundraisers, cruises, and weddings. The ballet company, led by Artistic Director Mary Aluas, teaches ballet, and a wealth of other dance and movement classes to all ages.
For tickets to The Nutcracker, call (760)852-4441. All tickets must be pre-paid and may be picked up at the front desk of the Amargosa Hotel after noon on the day of the show. No refunds; all proceeds benefit Amargosa Opera House, Inc.
Friday & Saturday, December 21-22, 2018
Performances begin: 7 p.m.
$25 adults / $10 children under 12

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