Welcome to The Strange Voyages of Shanghai Brown!

Avast, ye bunch o' farmers. This here be Shanghai Brown sending you greetings, from whatever port I may be sheltering in at the moment.
I want to thankee kindly for yer support for me Patreon endeavours, and welcome ye on board. At the time o' scrawling this message, we're just preparing to hoist anchor and let the foretop drop, to get underway. So, stow yer gear in the foc's'l and get aloft before the bosun's rope finds ye!
We'll have travel stories with suggestions and destinations not commonly found in more fashionable quarters, along with stories from me own voyage, some music, history, videos, and a cast o' characters I'll introduce you as we sail. I think you'll enjoy the voyage, and I thank you for joining me!
Your support helps support my journalism projects, my television/video projects, and my musical and other creative projects. You'll find a wealth of material in the hold, and I'll bring it up by and by. But for now, the breeze freshens, blue peter is hoisted, and it's time to push the capstan 'round. Let's get this voyage underway!
Shanghai Brown