Desert Daze thrives in Joshua Tree

The second year for Desert Daze at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center proved to be successful, despite concerns and some opposition to the music festival locally.
The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department reported they made no arrests for drug possession or intoxication or any other reasons during the festival. The Morongo Basin Sheriffs Station logged 39 noise complaints during the event. Some of those complaints, the station noted, came from the same person calling multiple times.
Deputies were on site, along with code enforcement officers and professionals trained in taking decibel readings, and investigated the noise complaints. All incidents investigated, except for one, showed the music was in compliance with the San Bernardino County noise ordinance. The Sheriff's Department noted that the one incident that did have a decibel reading out of compliance, the information was reported to the sound crew at the event, who immediately addressed and corrected the issue.
National media reviews of the festival have been overwhelmingly positive, and we can only add that we hope to see Desert Daze return in the fall of 2018, with Joshua Tree as the festival's permanent home.