Sun Runner offers special Hwy 62 Open Studio Art Tours Weekend in Joshua Tree

The annual Hwy 62 Open Studio Art Tours is the premier arts event of the Joshua Tree/hi-desert area. Now in its 16th year, the Art Tours offer the opportunity to explore the hi-desert while visiting with well over 100 local desert artists at their studios and galleries, over the course of two weekends in October.
This year, The Sun Runner is hosting a special Hwy 62 Open Studio Art Tours Weekend in Joshua Tree, providing out of town guests the opportunity to enjoy a weekend of hi-desert arts and fun, curated and hosted by Sun Runner publisher, Steve Brown. The weekend, Friday, October 20 - Sunday, October 22, includes two nights at the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Joshua Tree Retreat Center, along with two days of art-filled hi-desert fun.
Guests will be treated to visits with local artists, and visits to local hi-desert art sites - from Randy Polumbo's installations at the Art Queen, to Noah Purifoy's north Joshua Tree installations. They'll also enjoy meals at local restaurants, special discounts on art and shopping, and personalized suggestions for further adventures.
"I'm looking forward to sharing some of my favorite desert artists, and special places, with our guests for the weekend," Brown said. "It'll be a full weekend, packed with great hi-desert art, personalities, and experiences. It's the perfect opportunity to explore our area and get to know some of our most talented locals."
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