Take a road trip with us - Route 66 through the Mojave - this September

It all began, really, when I thought it would be fun to do a road trip through the Mojave, along Route 66, with one of the world's leading roadies - Jim Conkle. It turned out to be so packed with interesting stories, beautiful vistas, and fascinating and endearing people, that Jim's love for America's Mother Road because infectious.
Jim's invested a good portion of his life traveling (more than 300 trips the full length of Route 66), guiding (think international tour groups ranging from French photographers to Chinese Cadillac dealers), and supporting the road. He's worked with companies like Hilton on Route 66 projects, and he's received honors for his work from places like Smithsonian magazine, and the White House.
Yes, that White House.
More recently, Jim was an outspoken advocate for the establishment of the Mojave Trails National Monument that helps preserve a large stretch of Route 66 through the Mojave Desert - part of the journey we'll be making in September. And whereas Senator Dianne Feinstein didn't even have the time to say hello when I was in her office in Washington, D.C. meeting with her staff on desert preservation issues, Jim's been by the senator's side on multiple occasions.
Jim and I have been trying to put together the support to produce a documentary series about the people and sense of community along Route 66 - the longest community in America, stretching from Chicago to LA, through eight states. But while funding remains elusive, we've been doing live presentations about Route 66 through the Mojave to over-capacity crowds who share our passion for the road.
This tour in September, 2017, is our opportunity to share that passion with you, and my bet is you'll find it as infectious as I did when Jim and I took our first road trip together in 2013. Jim will be our main guide, introducing you to the icons of the road and traditional Route 66 attractions along the way. Me? I'm the non-traditional kind of guy. I'll be sharing stories and attractions along this stretch of Route 66 not usually included - from a mystical Native American maze, to a pirate's Route 66 find - a rum distillery! My pirate alter-ego, Shanghai Brown, will teach you how to make a drink named for myself, of course, while we taste the fantastic rums at Desert Diamond Distillery. I'll even share one of my more amusing Huell Howser stories as we look for the sun glinting off his volcano house near Newberry Springs.
I'm working on bringing together author presentations and special guests to make this a road trip you'll fondly remember for the rest of your life. It's going to be a lot packed into these three days, and I think you're going to love it. I hope you'll consider joining us for Route 66 through the Mojave.
- Steve Brown
Victorville to Barstow
Barstow to Needles
Needles to Kingman
Kingman to Grand Canyon Caverns
Seligman to Victorville
YOUR HOSTS: Jim Conkle & Steve Brown