Rep. Raul Ruiz is taken to task by constituents over anti-refugee vote

Congressman Raul Ruiz, a Democrat who serves California's 36th District that covers the Coachella Valley and the I-10 corridor to Blythe and the Colorado River, is under fire from constituents unhappy with his decision to join Republicans in the House of Representatives to support the American SAFE Act of 2015 (HR 4038). The SAFE - Security Against Foreign Enemies - Act, makes the path for those seeking refugee status in the United States, far more difficult, to the level many critics claim renders it impossible for Syrian war refugees to enter this country.
Ruiz announced his vote on Facebook last Thursday, November 19, with this explanation: "Today I voted in favor of the Syrian refugee legislation because I believe that national security and humanitarianism are not mutually exclusive. This legislation does not stop refugees from finding refuge in our nation. It provides a safe haven for refugees and at the same time requires our national security leaders to certify that the existing and stringent refugee verification process will keep us safe. As a physician who has specialized in international humanitarian aid and worked with displaced populations, I have seen firsthand the importance of security and giving refugees a safe haven. I also believe that we have a moral obligation to do so.
"Last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris were reprehensible, and the perpetrators will be brought to justice. We mourn for the victims and their families. Unfortunately some leaders in our nation are allowing fear and political ambition to govern their actions, turning their backs on refugee victims of terrorism—largely women, children, and seniors—who are fleeing the violence in their war-torn communities. This runs counter to the fundamental principles our nation was founded on."
While those supporting the acceptance of Syrian refugees note the stringent vetting process for refugees to the United States already leads to wait times of up to two years or more, the SAFE Act would almost certainly increase the time needed to process refugee paperwork to the point where it would nearly be impossible for refugees to come to this country.
The White House notes that just over 7,000 Syrians have been interviewed by the Department of Homeland Security since Fiscal Year 2011, with little more than 2,000 admitted during that same time period. Out of that number, none have been arrested or removed on terrorism charges, according to the White House.
The vote for the SAFE Act was mostly split along party lines, with 47 Democrats, including Ruiz, supporting it, in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris (135 Democrats and two Republicans voted against it). Everything from Republican presidential candidates urging measures such as mandatory registration of all Muslims in the U.S., to intimidating threats to non-profit organizations that work with refugees, is underway across the country (Texas Governor Greg Abbott has ordered non-profit organizations to stop all support to Syrian refugees in that state).
It is against this backdrop of fearful xenophobia and hysteria that Ruiz cast his vote, and one wonders if he forgot what district he represents. As of this morning, the post announcing his vote on Facebook has received nearly 800 comments, nearly all condemning his position.
"You are a moral coward. You voted to surrender to fear and gave terrorists a victory," notes one commenter. "Coward," was a common comment by those on social media. So was the statement, "I am ashamed."
"Shame on you for betraying America's values and handing Daesh (ISIS) exactly what they want," noted another commenter. "Your vote in support of the anti-refugee bill is appalling."
Some noted that France, even in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks, none of which were tied to Syrian refugees, has announced it would be accepting 30,000 Syrian refugees. The tone of the comments by constituents was that of dismay and embarrassment by their representative's vote.
"I am ashamed I voted for you and ashamed that this vote of cowardice represents our values from the Coachella Valley," noted Javier Cordova.
"What a shame that you have caved in to the fear narrative. Not the leadership I expected when I voted for you," noted Suzanne Marsh.
"I voted for you but will not make that mistake again," wrote Dan Lewis. Many comments from constituents noted they would no longer vote for, or contribute to, a future Ruiz campaign, and some added they would like their former contributions returned after this vote.
"So proud to have been a supporter... not anymore. Lost it yesterday with your vote. We are better than this! was Judy March's comment, while Jack Talerico noted, "I can't begin to tell you how much I now regret working on your campaign."
Steve Lemish added, "Don't add Californians to the list of cowards in this country. Shame on you." And Vilma Fox summed up the sentiments of the majority well with her comments.
"As a fellow Democrat & Latina, I am ashamed that you voted for House Resolution 4038. Our relatives were ALL former immigrants You being of Mexican-descent and a Doctor, what happened to your humanity? The Hippocratic Oath you took to uphold? The current vetting process for refugees is long, significant, robust, and quite rigorous. Your vote stood for xenophobia, discrimination, & fear OVER logic, ethics, & compassion. This is not what it means to be a true Democrat. Shame on you for siding with the likes of Ted Cruz & Donald Trump and not with your President!"
This being Sunday, Ruiz and his staff have not yet responded to the overwhelming levels of criticism he is receiving due to his support for the SAFE Act. How this may impact the future political career for Ruiz, who had been a well-liked representative, is not yet known. Some of those posting were already calling on Ruiz to resign.
As for this magazine's position on accepting Syrian refugees, we fully expected Congressman Paul Cook to support the SAFE Act as he continues to pander to Republican Party directives, but Ruiz's vote is disappointing as we had expected him to be more thoughtful and in touch with his constituents than Cook, who consistently disappoints.
With screening of refugees already at the highest level of security checks for any category of traveler to the United States, it seems the SAFE Act is nothing more than pandering to the fear-based hysteria and xenophobia of far too many Americans. After all, with the level of screening necessary for a refugee to arrive in this country being so high, and the process taking so long, it would appear there are far easier methods any terrorist could, and would, take to enter the country. This legislation appears to be more anti-Muslim (though many Syrian refugees are Christian) racism wrapped in hysteria with a nice acronym tied on top.