So, I used to have this television travel show, Southwest Stories. This really great guy, who also happens to be a three-time NAMMY (Native American Music Awards) winner, Steve Rushingwind, got his band together and did the theme song for the show. You can see the intro, and hear his theme song here.....
Steve and I have performed together now and then, including a fun time down in the Grand Canyon Caverns (ask him about spending the night in the caverns). Here's a video of us performing 200 feet below ground...... (I'm going to fix the sound on this one, my apologies I haven't done so yet)
Steve's the kind of guy who is humble, talented, and lots of fun. He also appeared in the last episode of Southwest Stories, Season 2, shot at Gold Mountain Studios near Pioneertown. You can check out that episode.....
Now, I'm joining Steve as an honorary member of his band, The Native Groove (which includes the fantastic percussionist, Nelson Rios, who spent a couple decades with the Miami Sound Machine), for two performances, March 8 & 9, 2019, at Marta Becket's legendary Amargosa Opera House, in Death Valley Junction, California. Marta passed away a couple years ago, but her nonprofit organization is continuing her legacy with performances there every weekend during season. The Amargosa Opera House is an incredible cultural treasure that people travel to see even when there are no performances scheduled, but it's even better when there is!
We're going to do each concert with a meet and greet reception afterward. It's a perfect excuse for a road trip from anywhere in southern California or southern Nevada, and even eastern Arizona!

Update: Unfortunately, I am NOT going to be able to join the fabulous California Celts, whom I think the world of, but you definitely should make your way to the Amargosa Opera House to join them.
Then, the next weekend, I'm joining the fabulous California Celts, whose music (and presence) were featured in the Dig Your Own episode of Southwest Stories. You can check out that episode and watch at the end to catch me riding the mechanical bull in full pirate regalia. The California Celts put on a fantastic high energy show, and it's a perfect way to celebrate St. Patrick's weekend. We'll be performing at the Amargosa Opera House on March 15 & 16, 2019, for a St. Paddy's show you won't want to miss.

I'd like to personally invite you to join us for either - or both - weekends. They're going to be great performances in a magical opera house in a special spot, in the middle of nowhere. Ah, but this part of nowhere has some excellent things to see and do.
If you want ideas on where to stay and dine, and what to see while you're visiting the Amargosa Opera House and Death Valley Junction, just click HERE.
First, if you're not familiar with Marta Becket and her Amargosa Opera House, this is your chance to connect with a legendary performer, and visual artist, with an almost mythic story. Here's a bit of an introduction to Marta and the Amargosa Opera House, with some links to stories I've done for The Sun Runner, The Journal of the Real Desert.....