Monday, June 10, 2019, California Senate BIll SB 307 was heard in the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources. David Lamfrom of the National Parks Conservation Association reported, "Yesterday, SB307 was heard in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee and amidst fiery discussion and Cadiz stall and amendment tactics, passed with a strong vote! Kim Delfino and Neal Desai both testified and made us proud with their strong work and words. I have included a link for anyone who wants to see the fireworks. In addition to it being entertaining, it is also a masterclass on tactics used against us, and how to embolden your champions to not fold under pressure."
Lamfrom noted, "...the 7-2 vote creates momentum driving this legislation forward towards its next step, which is the appropriations committee. Our expectation is that the bill will be heard in appropriations in two weeks, but I will follow back up with more detail once confirmed."
“Forward movement on #SB307, with the bill passing Asm NR Committee yesterday with a 7-2 (2) vote," reported Neal Desai. "Thanks to the many organizations that joined in-person to lend support. Committee Chair & principal co-author Laura Friedman did a fantastic job leading the way, including defeating a motion to delay voting on the bill, which was really a motion to allow Cadiz yet another opportunity to amend and kill the bill. Senator Richard Roth had to spend a significant amount of time helping confused committee members (Flora and Mathis) understand how CEQA, SGMA and other natural resource-related laws work, and he did a great job. Asm Ed Chau had to enlighten Cadiz’s CEO (who is a lawyer) on how CA Code of Civil Procedures concerning writ of mandamus works. And it’s likely the case that Asm Flora is NOT a fan of Warren G.”
Part of the process of supporting SB 307 and its protections for Mojave groundwater and wildlife, is to be grateful for the senators and assembly representatives who do the right thing and vote for the bill. Lamfrom has put together some suggested tweets to show support. Please feel free to use these below for your own tweets:
#SB307 ADVANCES to protect our Mojave Desert from Fed deregulation of Cadiz groundwater mining! Thank you Asm Natural Resources Chair @laurafriedman43 and other #DesertDefenders @AsmEdChau @AsmMoniqueLimon @AsmKevinMcCarty @AMuratsuchi @AsmMarkStone @AsmGarcia
#SB307 ADVANCES! Under the leadership of Chair @laurafriedman43, Asm Natural Resources acts to restore science & stop harmful Cadiz groundwater mining. These #DesertDefenders supported: @AsmEdChau @AsmMoniqueLimon @AsmKevinMcCarty @AMuratsuchi @AsmMarkStone @AsmGarcia
Thank you Chair @laurafriedman43 for leading on Mojave Desert protection and passing #SB307 from Asm Natural Resources!! Big ups to these #DesertDefenders who supported: @AsmEdChau @AsmMoniqueLimon @AsmKevinMcCarty @AMuratsuchi @AsmMarkStone @AsmGarcia
SB 307 now will move to the Appropriations committee before going to the full Assembly for a vote.