Mojave Watch is producing videos that highlight issues and concerns around the reopening of the DRECP

Mojave Watch has been out in the field filming interviews with representatives from a number of organizations to highlight their concerns about the potential reopening of the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP).

Kate Hoit of Vet Voice Foundation
Producer/editor Steve Brown and camera operator/sound engineer Henry Power, recently spent several days filming interviews with Kate Hoit of Vet Voice Foundation, Chris Clarke of the National Parks Conservation Association, Pat Flanagan of the Morongo Basin Conservation Association, Glenn Lodge of the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe, and Matthew Leivas, Sr. of the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe and Native American Land Conservancy.
The videos are currently being edited and will be available and made available for use by the end of the week. Any groups or individuals that would like to share them to help encourage public comment on the proposed reopening of the DRECP are welcome to do so. The videos are part of Mojave Watch's public outreach and awareness campaign that has also included paid and organic promotion of public scoping meetings for the proposed DRECP reopening.
Please check back soon to see the Mojave Watch DRECP videos.