SB120 (formerly AB1000) may be voted by the California Assembly as early as this Tuesday. While SB120 isn't perfect, it protects the aquifers that keep desert wildlife alive and would be an impediment to the Cadiz Water Project, which would sell more than 16 billion gallons of pristine desert water per year to Orange County from the east Mojave, endangering the survival of desert wildlife and viability of desert ecosystems and habitat.
TODAY's actions:
1) PLEASE Retweet this or similar to the Assemblymembers on the fence.
Here is a good article to include on any of your posts.
These are the Assemblymembers on the fence:
Wendy Carrillo @AsmCarrillo Autumn Burke @AsmAutumnBurke Cervantes @AsmCervantes Calderon @IanCalderon Mike Gipson @AsmMikeGipson Santiago @SantiagoAD53 Rodriguez @AsmRodriguez52